Monday, August 3, 2009

Stop Poverty Now.

Helping the poor lift themselves out of poverty

Help GF Stop Poverty NowHelp Grameen Foundation Stop Poverty Now

Join our worldwide effort to Stop Poverty Now.

Thanks to passionate individuals like you, Grameen Foundation and its local partners have served more than 6 million families with microfinance so that they have a better tomorrow. With more of us engaged, we can Stop Poverty Now.

A donation of as little as $10 to Grameen Foundation will add your voice to this important cause

How it works:
Log onto and see a client whose life was changed by Microfinance.

Help us bring that picture to life. Select a portion of the picture to fill in by donating to Grameen Foundation.

Add your voice to the picture by sharing an inspirational message and/or a picture that tells others why you want to Stop Poverty Now.

More Ways to Get Involved

1. Learn about microfinance, our proven and sustainable poverty-fighting method. You can also explore the site to learn about our work around the world and more.

2. Blog about us. Engage your bloggers in thoughtful debate of the issues surrounding global poverty. Telling them about GF’s many innovative solutions to fighting poverty, and invite them to share their own. Check out our resources for bloggers. .

3. Stay informed with e-mail news and announcements. We won't flood your inbox or reveal your e-mail address to others.

The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Professor Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and board member of Grameen Foundation, affirmed microfinance as a solution to poverty. Grameen Foundation works to spread this life-changing approach to millions more of the poorest around the world.

With your support, we can make a difference in the lives of millions

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